L'oiseau solaire, l'oiseau lunaire, etincelles

From 1,200

Joan Miro


Original Vintage Poster for the Miro exhibition at the Gallery Maeght in Paris
Year: 1967
Medium: Lithograph

Before being one of the mythic modern art galleries in Paris, Maeght is the family name of a couple, Aimé and Marguerite, friends of Matisse, Braque, Miro, Leger, Chagall, Calder, Giacometti and many other artists of the 20th century, a family which was not only one of the leading art dealers of the last century but also art patrons and an address for all the artists in needs of help.

When Aimé Maeght died in 1981, Gerald Fraser in the NY Times recalled that the genius art dealer often “selected artists who had as yet little or no reputation, such as Braque and Giacometti, as well as those considered controversial”. The story of the Maeght family tells a lot about the history of art during the both tragical and prolific period between 1930 and 1980.

In 1964, Marguerite, and Aimé Maeght have established the Fondation Maeght, a privately funded museum and the home of one of the largest collections of modern art in Europe in St Paul de Vence in the South of France, with more than 10,000 art pieces, among which 200 sculptures of Giacometti and Miro and the largest Chagall’s painting.

Adrien Maeght also funded the “Arte Imprimerie” where all Maeght editions, including the famous Derriere le Miroir magazine have been produced ever since. With more than 12,000 art pieces, Maeght is recognized, together with Mourlot, as the most important publisher of lithographs and engravings in the world.

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